
Top Tips About Treatment For Double Chin 2024

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Many people worry about how treatment for double chin problem and look for practical solutions like Belkyra and Kybella. This situation happens when fat builds up behind the chin, giving the impression of a second chin. A double chin poses no health risks but can make people feel bad about themselves.

Thank goodness for modern treatments and board-certified doctors working with patients to find the root causes of medical and cosmetic problems, like the look of double chins. Instead of surgery, these new ideas offer ways to hide a double chin that is less noticeable and help people feel better about their looks.

What Is A Double Chin?

A double chin is an additional weight carried beneath the chin, usually between the chin and the neck. It makes your neck appear more prominent and can sometimes be associated with looking older. Many people have excess weight on their chins and necks. This extra weight can alter how your face and jaw appear. Some people may even lose their jawline entirely due to excess weight.

You may be curious about double chin causes and symptoms like many others. A double chin is distinguished by a change in facial structure, excess weight in the chin and neck area, and the appearance of being older than one’s actual age.

Causes Of Double Chin

  • Fat accumulation
  • Weight gain
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Sagging skin

Double Chin Removal In-Office Procedures

Surgical and non-surgical methods for reducing extra submental fat (under the chin) are available in the office. While many procedures do not need incisions, local anesthesia, or extended recovery times, there are more thorough in-office methods for treating a double chin.


Injectables such as Kybella® can be an effective non-surgical way to reduce a double chin. Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable drug that contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body that helps with dietary fat breakdown and absorption. When injected, Kybella kills fat cells, giving you a more defined jawline. While there may be some swelling and bruising following the treatment, recovery time is much shorter than surgical procedures.

Body Contouring

Body contouring is another non-surgical way to lose excess chin fat. These techniques use energy, such as radiofrequency or ultrasound technologies, to kill fat cells beneath the skin. The body then naturally disposes of the damaged fat cells, resulting in a smaller, more sculpted jawline. These methods usually take more than one session to be effective and can produce temporary swelling or redness. Body reshaping operations for a double chin include:

CoolSculpting® uses controlled freezing to freeze and remove fat cells with minimum downtime and side effects.
Software is a noninvasive neck tightening procedure that can help alleviate a double chin. Ultrasound technique increases collagen production and tightens loose skin in the treatment area. The therapy usually takes less than an hour and needs little downtime. Software is an excellent alternative for those wishing to improve their chin and neck appearance without surgery.


Genius is a radiofrequency (RF) microneedling device that promotes collagen synthesis and tightens the skin. These procedures can help lift and tighten the skin around the jawline, resulting in a more even appearance.


Ellacor® is a novel technology that removes micro-cores of tissue to tighten drooping skin in the mid and lower face, reducing the appearance of a double chin. Ellacor uses hollow needles that allow the skin to heal without leaving scars.


Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical treatment for removing excess fat under the chin. Little incisions are created, and the chin and neck fat is suctioned with a little tube. This procedure is more invasive than the preceding non-surgical methods, resulting in a longer recovery time, and potential side effects include bruising and swelling. However, liposuction can yield considerable and speedy results, making it an excellent treatment for a double chin.

Some people may need a facelift and neck lift to get the desired results, even though non-invasive and slightly invasive treatments can help reduce the look of a double chin.

  • A facelift removes extra skin and tightens underlying tissues to rejuvenate your appearance.
  • A neck lift is designed to remove extra skin and fat from the neck area and can be used with a facelift.

Double Chin Fat Removal At-Home

Submental fat is tough to remove without medical intervention, such as injectables, laser treatments, or surgery. You can, however, make some changes to your lifestyle that will help reduce the look of a double chin.


A well-balanced diet of protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates will help you lose weight and remove excess fat around your chin. Drinking water can also improve skin elasticity, making the chin and neck appear firmer and tauter. Furthermore, avoiding or limiting alcohol and nicotine intake might help prevent future skin damage and keep a youthful appearance.


Incorporating exercise into your routine will assist in strengthening and toning muscles in the chin and neck, reducing chin fat. Simple exercises like chin tucks, neck rolls, and head lifts can help enhance muscular tone in this area, but exercise cannot treat a double chin alone. While these specific activities are beneficial, a full-body routine incorporating cardio and strength training can result in weight loss and a smaller face. Consistency is essential, so beginning with little modifications can lead to significant benefits over time.

Best Treatment For Double Chin

The Alternatives Are Liposuction, Kybella, or CoolSculpting.

Fortunately, there are methods for removing unsightly fat under the chin. Liposuction is the most effective approach to reduce fat. CoolSculpting and Kybella are noninvasive treatments for improving the look of a double chin. For this essay, we’ll concentrate on non-surgical alternatives.

How Kybella And CoolSculpting Work:

Deoxycholic acid, found in Kybella, is a natural chemical that the body makes to break down fat. CoolSculpting destroys cells by freezing them to death, called cryolipolysis. The carefully constructed applicator is put on the chin area, suctioning the tissue before delivering controlled cooling. Following both treatments, the body continues to break down fat cells for three months.

The similarities:

Both Kybella and CoolSculpting permanently eliminate fat cells. Results are best observed about three months after the last treatment. Finally, multiple sessions are frequently required for the best outcomes.

The Differences:

The treatment itself: Kybella is provided in 20 injections using a tiny needle. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes, and you may be given numbing cream to alleviate discomfort. CoolSculpting involves placing a suction-based applicator on the chin. Controlled cooling is used for 45 minutes. There are no needles or incisions during CoolSculpting.

Number of treatments: CoolSculpting treatments were given no more than twice during the clinical trials. Kybella required an average of four treatments, with a maximum of six. CoolSculpting and Kybella treatments are scheduled around four weeks apart.

The cost: The exact price will depend on how big the area being treated is, but RealSelf says the average price of Kybella was $2,175. It costs around $1,300 to get CoolSculpting.  These numbers are self-reported by patients from the Phoenix area.

Skin Laxity: CoolSculpting has been shown to improve skin laxity effectively. Kybella is not and may exacerbate skin laxity. The Side Effects: The most significant difference. This is what distinguishes the two therapies.

Kybella: 72% of patients suffered bruising, 87% had edema, and 70% experienced discomfort. I inform patients that these symptoms persist for 2-4 weeks. The swelling can be extremely substantial, resembling a “bullfrog neck” during the first two weeks after therapy. This data comes from the Allergan clinical trial.

CoolMini: Side effects are mild and only occur in the first few days. This information comes from my patients: 100% had minor numbness for up to two weeks, and 20% had pain that lasted more than one day but was healed within four weeks.

Redness was seen in all patients at the end of treatment; however, 85% of patients had resolved it entirely by 60 minutes. Bruising and swelling occurred in just 8% of patients and were assessed to be minor.

What Is The Belkyra Double Chin Treatment?

Belkyra is an injection-based therapy that targets submental (under the chin) fat. The solution has an artificial version of deoxycholic acid found naturally in the body. When pumped into the chin, it breaks down fat cells.

This produces a smoother, slimmer chin, and the face can be sculpted to your liking.

What Are The Advantages of Belkyra Treatment?

  • Noninvasive treatment: Belkyra does not require surgery.
  • Quick treatment: The treatment takes about 30 minutes and is directly injected into the fat. You can resume your normal activities afterward.
  • Long-lasting results: Fat cells are permanently eliminated, resulting in a thinner jawline.
  • A complementary treatment: Botox and dermal fillers can be used with Belkyra to get the best results for getting rid of a double chin.
  • Consultation with a specialist: Before the therapy, you can discuss your options with a cosmetic professional. Your medical history will be carefully reviewed at this meeting, and you can ask any questions.

What Is Kybella Double Chin?

Kybella is an injection that can help you remove a double chin without having surgery. It’s the only intravenous drug that the FDA says can be used for this.

Synthetic deoxycholic acid is sold under the brand name Kybella. In your gut system, deoxycholic acid is made by your body naturally. It breaks down fats so that the body can digest them better. In food, deoxycholic acid is also used to make things mix better. It’s also a way to treat lipomas, fat cell lumps that aren’t cancerous, without surgery.

A lot of people choose Kybella over surgery because it has less risk and less healing time. People who can’t have significant face plastic surgery like liposuction or a neck lift can also get Kybella shots.

What Is Kybella Double Chin?

How to Prepare for Your Kybella Treatment:

  • Due to the possibility of bruising, avoid scheduling it too close to a critical event, such as a wedding. Plan it at least two to four weeks before the event.
  • Do not schedule it if you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant, as no research has been conducted on how it would affect an unborn baby. Also, avoid scheduling it if you are breastfeeding.
  • Reschedule your visit if you experience a rash or sore in the treatment region.
  • Avoid using strong cleaners, retinoid compounds, or bleaching lotions on your face two days before and after treatment.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning drugs and supplements such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and fish oil. 10-14 days before therapy and 3-4 days following.
  • Avoid drinking for a week before treatment because it may thin the blood and increase the likelihood of bruising.
  • Eat before treatment to lessen the possibility of lightheadedness.
    Before beginning treatment, remove your makeup, moisturizer, and facial sunscreen. Wash your face and neck well, too.
  • Shave your beard before treatment.
    To avoid bruising, consider taking arnica tablets one week before treatment.

Treatment For Double Chin In Alyssum Cosmetic

The Laser Skin and Surgery Center of Alyssum Cosmetic will work with you to satisfy your cosmetic needs. Our board-certified dermatologists develop individualized strategies to achieve your objectives through combination treatments and long-term maintenance. Contact us to learn more about our methods for reducing excess chin fat.

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